This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 7th, 2012 at 9:21 am and is filed under Important Announcements. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
07.11.2012 Post in Important Announcements
As the two nominees still lay in deadlock on the on-going election, many are eagerly waiting for the results. According to the latest news, Obama is gaining advantage on winning the election but the key states results are yet to announced. Some polling states are still open and there may be some delays especially on the states where Sandy struck the most. For the meantime, I thinks better to contemplate on the “what ifs” of this election.
What if Romney wins?
An indeed a successful businessman, no one can doubt Mitt Romney’s capability as a businessman. He was donned with the business knowledge and skills from the prestigious Harvard University and has proven his worth in the corporate world through his Bain Capital.
But many are in doubt to whether he can put his business theories into reality. Moreover, certain individuals are also pessimistic in the application of his business theories into political arena. It seems that he has invested more effort in this campaign rather than in his experience on managing the state of Massachusetts, warding an impression of a less experienced political candidate than his competitor.
If in case he is elected, he have to deal with a congress, divided by difference in ideals unlike his business group, which may really give him a hard time. Also, being a less experience candidate may have its toll once he won the seat. Unlike Obama who already handled the rein in the past four years, Mitt Romney will start from the scratch in governing the most influential and most powerful country in the world. The health care programs of Obama will most probably terminated and the Bush cut tax for the wealthy may be made permanent according to some. He also must be prepared to face the issue about Iran’s nuclear material.
What if Obama wins?
Some of his supporters may have been waned off this past few years but most still have their faith on the first African-American president. Obama talks about the withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan and building educational program. But the plans may be hindered by the budget. After winning the election, the health care plans will probably push through and so are the pressing concern over Iran’s nuclear materials. Similar to Romney’s case. He has plenty of issues to handle if he would regain that White House seat of his.
In my opinion, I think its better if Obama wins. The experience and agenda are really two important factors to this election. But I hope that it won’t hurt much if the new kid in the block will be given the chance to steer the wheel.
Stephen Stevenson